Complementary to S1: Blinded by the Light: Effects of Light Pollution Across Diverse Natural Systems Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Valentina Alaasam Session Author(s) Title 1 Westby, KM*; Medley, KA Cold nights, city lights: Artificial light at night reduces photoperiodically induced diapause in urban and rural populations of Aedes albopictus 1 Hopkins, GR*; Elgar, MA; […]
Archives: Meetings
List of Symposiums
PREZ President’s Opening Address Session Chair(s): Jake Socha PLEN Opening Plenary Session Chair(s): Jake Socha BSP-1 DAB Best Student Presentation: Marlene Zuk Award Session Chair(s): Kendra Sewall BSP-2 DCB Best Student Presentation: Mimi A.R. Koehl and Steven Wainwright Award; Gans Award Address Session Chair(s): Stacey Combes BSP-3 DCE Best Student Presentation: Aubrey Gorbman Award Session […]
SICB Annual Meeting 2021
SOCIETY FOR INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 2021 Annual Meeting January 3- Feb 28, 2021 – Virtual Special Lectures Awards Skinner Award: Anusha Shankar, Cornell University & Liming Cai, UC Riverside Bartholomew Award: Roslyn Dakin, Carleton University Morse Award: Sara Hiebert-Burch, Swarthmore College Hyman Memorial Scholarship: John Deitsch, Cornell University & Taylor Naquin, California State University, […]
What is integrative biology at the start of the 21st century?
SICB Members Only SICB 2007 Annual Meeting, Phoenix J. Collins, NSF: What is integrative biology at the start of the 21st century? Powerpoint Slides & Audio Track (Log in required to download) Success! You have successfully logged into the members only section. This presentation consists of TWO files; download both the PPT file and the […]
Talks Thursday
Session Abstract Author(s) 1 GOLDMAN, E.B.*; DANIEL, T. L. Material properties shape dynamical responses of hydrozoan jellyfish 1 MCHENRY, M.J. Force generation by undulatory swimming at intermediate Reynolds numbers in tunicate larvae (Botrylloides, sp.) 1 ANDERSON, E.J.*; MCGILLIS, W.R.; GROSENBAUGH, M.A. Boundary Layer Flow in Fish and Squid 1 BARTOL, I.K.*; GORDON, M.S. Flow patterns […]
Talks Sunday
Session Abstract Author(s) 58 HOOGE, M.D.*; TYLER, S. Non-muscle actin in sclerotic components of the female reproductive system of acoel turbellarians 58 CAVEY, M.J.*; WILKENS, J.L. F-actin in the Amuscular Arteries of the American Lobster 58 THOMPSON, J.T. The ontogeny of squid mantle structure and function 58 SCHAACK, S.*; CHAPMAN, L.J. Cascading effects of hypoxia […]
Talks Saturday
Session Abstract Author(s) 33 WALLACE, B.D.*; HAMMER, H.S.; WATTS, S.A.; LAWRENCE, J.M.; LAWRENCE, A.L. The effects of dietary protein concentration on growth of juveniles of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus . 33 Hammer, H.S.*; Watts, S.A.; Lawrence, J.M.; Lawrence, A.L.; McClintock, J.B. The effect of dietary protein concentration on gonad composition and gametic condition in […]
Talks Friday
Session Abstract Author(s) 21 Lee, D. V. Relating limb geometry to ground reaction force in running quadrupeds: A design for stability? 21 Hsieh, S.T. Ontogenetic 3-D kinematics of water running in green basilisk lizards (Basiliscus plumifrons) 21 CARRIER, D.R.*; LEE, D.V.; WALTER, R. M. INFLUENCE OF ROTATIONAL INERTIA ON THE TURNING PERFORMANCE OF THEROPOD DINOSAURS. […]
Symposia Talks Thursday
Session Abstract Author(s) S1 HILL, P.S.M. Vibration and Animal Communication: a Review. S1 O’CONNELL-RODWELL, C.E.*; ARNASON, B.; HART, L.A. Exploring the Possibility of Low-Frequency Seismic Communication in Elephants and Other Large Mammals S1 RANDALL, J.A. Why do Desert Rodents Drum their Feet? S1 COCROFT, R. B. Vibrational communication and the ecology of group-living insects S1 […]
Symposia Talks Sunday
Session Abstract Author(s) S10b Thompson, J.N.*; Nuismer, S.L. Coevolution and Maladaptation S10b SORENSON, M.D.*; PAYNE, R.B. Molecular Genetic Perspectives on the Coevolution of Avian Brood Parasites and their Hosts S10b Lutzoni, F.*; Pagel, M.; Reeb, V. Contribution of the lichen symbiosis to the diversification of fungi: A new approach to determining confidence levels for ancestral […]