Wildlife Disease Ecologist: Assistant Professor of Biology

Posted on February 6, 2023

The Department of Biological Sciences (DBS) seeks candidates for an appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor with a strong research background in Wildlife Disease Ecology. The research can include observational, experimental, modeling, and/or molecular approaches, as well as a diversity of quantitative techniques.  We particularly welcome applications from candidates with interests complementary to existing programmatic strengths in marine, coastal, or freshwater wetland ecology that can take advantage of local ecosystems, and candidates’ research may intersect with aspects of wildlife and/or public health.

Candidates will have a strong record of research accomplishments including scientific publications, experience in or potential for obtaining extramural funding, teaching experience, and a commitment to excellence in education. The candidate will teach both graduate and undergraduate courses in virology, environmental virology, or environmental epidemiology, and in areas of their interest that help meet programmatic needs.

As part of Florida Atlantic University’s (FAU’s) overall strategic plan “Race to Excellence,” both Ocean and Environmental Science & Technology and the Health Sciences were identified as areas of research strength. We seek candidates who will enjoy and maintain the collaborative and interdisciplinary cultures established by the scientists and engineers at FAU and the DBS faculty. The successful candidate will foster innovation and excellence across FAU, and with local, national, and international partners, and will actively participate in FAU graduate programs in Integrative Biology, Marine Science and Oceanography, and Environmental Science. More information about the department is available at http://biology.fau.edu.

Diversity and Inclusion are core values of the Department of Biological Sciences. We believe that the educational environment is enhanced when diverse groups of people with diverse ideas come together to learn. Applicants whose work incorporates a global perspective and a demonstrated commitment to diversity of thought in higher education are particularly encouraged to apply.

Informal inquiries can be addressed to: Dr. Kailiang Jia, Chair of the Search Committee, (kjia@fau.edu). Review of applications will begin February28, 2023 and will continue until the position is filled.

This position is part of a major strategic hiring initiative in the Charles Schmidt College of Science that will build on our areas of strength in Environment, Health, and Data Science. More information on our hiring initiative can be found at: https://www.fau.edu/science-hiring/.

More information about the College of Science can be found at: http://science.fau.edu/.

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