The Gillooly Lab in the Department of Biology at the University of Florida is seeking 1-2 graduate students (M.S. or Ph.D.) to join our team beginning Fall, 2024. Our research focuses on broad-scale questions in physiology and ecology that span a diverse assortment of species and environments. Comparative studies that combine theory and data to explain general patterns in biological systems based on organismal-level physiology are common in the lab. Current projects include effects of climate change on species’ life histories, causes and consequences of physiological stress, and mathematical modeling of stable isotope ecology. Still, students are welcome to develop their own research programs.
In the Gillooly Lab, we strive to create a fun, supportive, and collaborative atmosphere for all students. This includes a commitment to maintaining a broadly diverse, equitable, and inclusive team.
Interested students should contact Dr. Gillooly by email prior to application (gillooly[at] and include a C.V. and brief statement of research interests in the message. Deadline for application is 12/1/23. Students accepted into the program are fully funded.