University of Cambridge, UK: Research Assistant / PhD studentship position in Insect Biomechanics

Posted on January 22, 2024

The Insect Biomechanics Group (led by Walter Federle) at the Department of Zoology of the University of Cambridge is seeking candidates for a Research Assistant / PhD studentship position. Applicants should have an M.S. degree or equivalent in biology, physics, or engineering, and enjoy working at the interface between biology and physics.

The successful candidate will develop an independent project on the biomechanics and multifunctionality of insect cuticular lipids. We aim to clarify how the cuticular lipid layer on the body surface of insects can fulfil a variety of functions including waterproofing, communication, lubrication and surface adhesion. How these biological functions depend on the lipid films’ properties will be investigated using a combination of biological, chemical and physical approaches. The research project is funded by the Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP) and will be in collaboration with the labs of Florian Menzel (Mainz/Germany) and Fumitoshi Kaneko (Osaka/Japan).

For more information see:

Closing date: 12 February 2024

If you are interested and have any questions about the project or the position, please contact Walter Federle at

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