Simon Fraser University: Tenure-Track Appointment in Marine Ecotoxicology

Posted on August 22, 2022

At the intersection of innovative education, cutting-edge research, and community engagement lies Simon Fraser University (SFU), Canada’s top-ranked comprehensive university. With three campuses located in beautiful British Columbia’s largest municipalities – Vancouver, Burnaby, and Surrey – our students, faculty and staff are privileged to live and work on the traditional unceded territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish), səl̓ilw̓ətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), q̓íc̓əy̓ (Katzie), kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem), Qayqayt, Kwantlen, Semiahmoo, and Tsawwassen Peoples. Consistently ranked as one of Canada’s top employers, SFU’s excellence as an engaged university is derived from our shared commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion, and the pursuit of decolonization, indigenization, and reconciliation.

The Opportunity

The Department of Biological Sciences (BISC) invites applications for a tenure‑track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor in Marine Ecotoxicology to commence fall 2023, or a mutually agreed-upon date.

The core duties of an Assistant Professor in BISC are as follows:

  • Research: Develop an extramurally funded research program devoted to advancing the field of marine ecotoxicology and organismal biology, including supervising and mentoring graduate students and highly qualified personnel in research training, and disseminating discoveries through peer-reviewed publications, conference presentations, and other forums appropriate to the discipline.

  • Teaching: Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of toxicology (including our Masters of Environmental Toxicology (MET) program) and organismal biology, including core, large enrollment lower division courses, and contribute to curriculum and program development.

  • Service: Perform service to the Department and the University, such as serving on committees and participating in departmental initiatives.

The typical workload distribution for tenure-track assistant professors at SFU is 40% research, 40% teaching, and 20% service.

In carrying out these duties, the successful candidate will advance BISC’s goals to foster equity, diversity, and inclusion by working to eliminate the barriers that impede the ability of department members from historically underrepresented and marginalized populations to achieve their full potential. The successful candidate will foster a positive and inclusive working environment through respectful interactions with all faculty, staff, and students.

The responsibilities, terms and conditions of employment of research faculty are listed in the SFU-SFUFA collective agreement.

Desired research area

We seek to hire a broadly trained ecotoxicologist who investigates fundamental questions about organismal function/physiology in the context of current and future anthropogenic stressors in marine ecosystems. We envision a hire that would complement our existing strengths in ecotoxicology by widening the range of model systems currently studied in the department (including, but not limited to, seabirds, marine mammals, invertebrates, macroalgae). The successful applicant would be expected to teach graduate courses in our Masters of Environmental Toxicology (MET) program and contribute to the teaching of upper division undergraduate courses in toxicology or organismal biology and lower division organismal biology/physiology courses, as well as providing research opportunities attractive to undergraduates and graduates.  We encourage applications from researchers who will contribute towards the Department’s effort in engagement and meaningful collaborations with Indigenous Peoples.

About BISC

The Department of Biological Sciences (BISC) was established at SFU in 1965, making it one of the younger Biology Departments in Canada. BISC remains a broad-based Biology department with research interests of faculty ranging from cell and molecular biology, through organismal biology and physiology, to ecology, evolutionary biology and conservation. We currently comprise 36 research faculty and 9 teaching faculty, with 655 Undergraduate majors (2019) and 120 Graduate students. The Department has a number of research groups in behavioural ecology (eBERG), applied biology (including two professional programs: Pest Management, Environmental Toxicology), cell biology (Centre for Cell Biology, Development and Disease – C2D2), aquatic conservation (Earth2Ocean), avian ecology and conservation (the Centre for Wildlife Ecology – CWE), and evolutionary biology (Crawford Lab of Evolutionary Studies).

The Successful Candidate

The desired qualifications comprise the following credentials, skills, expertise, experience, values, and attitudes. The successful candidate should:

  • Hold a PhD in toxicology, organismal physiology or a relevant discipline.

  • Have demonstrated excellence in research in marine ecotoxicology. Excellence will be assessed in various ways, including but not limited to the following criteria:

    • has extensive experience conducting scientific studies in the area of marine ecotoxicology,

    • has authored high-quality scientific publications in the leading peer-reviewed journals of the field,

    • won awards or secured external funding (e.g., scholarships),

    • delivered talks at conferences or departmental seminars,

    • has participated in collaborations with leading ecotoxicology researchers.

  • Articulate a compelling vision for a research program that addresses questions of fundamental importance to the field and has clear potential to attract top-quality trainees, extramural funding, new scientific collaborations, and uptake by knowledge users.

  • Demonstrate deep and broad knowledge of the field of marine ecotoxicology to competently teach undergraduate and graduate courses in these areas.

  • Show clear potential for excellence as a mentor of graduate students and research trainees, especially those from equity-deserving groups.

  • Have competently assisted or led the teaching of undergraduate courses, and in so doing demonstrated keen interest in teaching, strong pedagogical skills, and effectiveness in fostering inclusive learning environments.

  • Show strong potential for effective knowledge translation and community engagement.

  • Contribute to engagement and meaningful collaborations with Black, Hispanic, Asian, Indigenous Peoples, and/or Multi-Racial Groups, and/or individuals across Africana, Latinx, Asian, and Indigenous Diasporas.
  • Demonstrate outstanding interpersonal and communication skills (oral and written, in English). These skills include but are not limited to strong listening skills, valuing and respecting diverse perspectives, and a collaborative disposition.

  • Show strong potential to be an engaged academic citizen, in part by demonstrating a record of volunteerism and participation in service activities, such as committee work, outreach initiatives, etc.

  • Demonstrate willingness to take on new roles with unfamiliar tasks and, in performing these roles, demonstrate curiosity, adaptability, and initiative by doing research, asking questions, being receptive to mentoring, and seeking constructive feedback.

The following qualifications are considered assets:

  • Postdoctoral research experience.

  • Experience conducting research in diverse environments or from different perspectives.

  • Demonstrated experience in increasing diversity in their previous institutional environment(s) and in curricula.

  • Previous experience applying or future goals to apply research to better understand and address environmental health issues affecting underrepresented populations.

  • Leadership potential, demonstrated by leadership roles, formal leadership training, or leadership abilities.

How To Apply

Candidates should address their applications to Dr. Tony D Williams, Chair of the Department. Informal enquiries about this position can be directed to Tony Williams (

Applications should consist of a single PDF file inclusive of and bookmarked for the following components:

  • A concise cover letter (maximum two pages) that addresses the following items: 1) citizenship and whether the candidate is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada, 2) reasons for applying to the position, and 3) a narrative description highlighting evidence that the candidate meets the job qualifications and can effectively perform the listed job duties.

  • A complete up-to-date curriculum vitae that lists the candidate’s education and employment history, publications and conference presentations, funding and awards, student supervision, collaborations/partnerships, teaching experience, and service activities.

  • A research statement (maximum two pages) that describes the candidate’s research experience, goals, and a five-year plan for their research program.

  • Three examples of peer-reviewed published scholarly work.

  • A teaching statement (maximum one page) that describes the candidate’s teaching philosophy, teaching experience, and evidence of teaching effectiveness.

  • A statement (maximum one page) describing past or potential contributions to enhancing equity, diversity, and inclusion within research, service, and teaching. With regards to the latter component, candidates should discuss their experience with and/or understanding of inclusive teaching and mentoring, and how the candidate would meet the needs of equity‑deserving students.

  • The names, titles, and email addresses of 3 or 4 referees, three of whom are qualified to assess the candidate’s research capabilities and one who is qualified to assess teaching capabilities. Referees will be contacted by SFU for candidates advancing to the later stages of the selection process.

All application materials should be submitted as a single pdf via an online application form:

Full consideration will be given to applications received by October 14, 2022. Applications received after this deadline may be reviewed if the position is still open.

SFU recognizes that alternative career paths and/or career interruptions (e.g., parental leave, leave due to illness) can impact research achievements and commits to ensuring that leaves are taken into careful consideration. Candidates are encouraged to add up to half a page to their cover letter to highlight how alternative paths and/or interruptions have impacted them. SFU also recognizes the value of mentoring and research training, outreach, professional service, and nontraditional areas of research and/or research outputs.

Simon Fraser University is an institution whose strength is based on our shared commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Diversity is an underlying principle of our Strategic Vision, which pledges SFU to “foster a culture of inclusion and mutual respect, celebrating the diversity reflected among its students, faculty, staff, and our community.” SFU is committed to ensuring no individual is denied access to employment opportunities for reasons unrelated to ability or qualifications. Consistent with this principle, SFU will advance the interests of underrepresented members of the work force, including Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, racialized persons, and women; embrace gender and sexual diversity; ensure that equal opportunity is afforded to all who seek employment at the University; and treat all employees equitably. Candidates that belong to underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.

SFU offers several benefits and services aimed at creating a more inclusive and accessible campus community for faculty; please see the Faculty Relations, Benefits and Service page for more details. SFU is also committed to ensuring that the application process is accessible to all applicants. If you require accommodations or have questions about SFU benefits, services, accommodations policies, or equity considerations, please contact the Specialist, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Faculty Relations.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. Under the authority of the University Act, personal information that is required by the University for academic appointment competitions will be collected. For further details see the Collection Notice.

The position is subject to availability of funding and approval by the SFU Board of Governors.

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