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Overall objectives of the Initiative include investigating student learning processes, developing learning goals, adapting or creating course materials, monitoring progress, measuring effectiveness, and disseminating results—including contributing to the education research literature. A critical goal for the candidate is to create enduring resources that members of Integrative Biology can use to promote discovery-based learning experiences.
Individuals in this role will:
● Design and conduct research regarding best methods for implementing discovery-based learning experiences in biology, with emphasis on fostering a sense of belonging and a culture of personal agency among undergraduates
● Provide consultation to faculty during the process of curricular transformation, including providing scholarly information regarding discovery-based teaching and learning practices
● Support faculty communication and consensus-building centered on the undergraduate curriculum
● Collect, analyze, and communicate data regarding discovery-based education, including presentation of findings in publications and at professional conferences
● Contribute to development and support of recommended changes in teaching practices, including providing critical review of individual teaching efforts and contributing to the development of formal evaluative metrics
● Collaborate with other recipients of Discovery grants, the Faculty Directors and Berkeley Discovery team, and partners across campus to promote campus-wide discovery-based learning