Postdoctoral researcher

Posted on September 23, 2024
Expires: May 31, 2025

We are excited to announce an opening for a postdoctoral researcher position to work on a newly NSF-funded project, a collaboration between Deborah Gordon (Stanford) and Florian Menzel (University of Mainz, Germany) on variation among harvester ant colonies in the waterproofing capacity of their cuticular hydrocarbons, and how the CHCs are related to the collective regulation of foraging behavior to manage the risk of water loss.

The position will be based in Deborah Gordon’s lab in the Department of Biology, Stanford University  (

Qualifications: The position requires a motivated and self-directed scientist who is independent, conscientious, with a strong background in reproducible research and team science, and has excellent written and oral communication skills. We seek someone with a background in PhD research in chemical ecology, preferably in cuticular hydrocarbons in ants, and a strong track record of productivity in peer-reviewed publications. Some experience with field work as well as lab work is preferred.

Application Instructions:  Candidates are required to hold a PhD before their start date. Start date is flexible.

Review of applications will begin immediately and the position will remain open until filled. Applicants should submit their CV, statement of research interests, and the names and contact information of three references. Inquiries about the position should be sent to Deborah Gordon (

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