Postdoctoral Associate in Insect RNAi Technology
Department of Entomology
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Nick Teets
Associate Professor
Phone: (859)-257-7459
Lab website:
Reddy Palli
Professor and Chair
Phone: (859)-257-7450
Lab website:
Description: The Teets and Palli labs at University of Kentucky are seeking a postdoctoral associate to lead a project on genetic and environmental factors that influence the efficacy of RNAi as a pest control strategy. Using the Colorado potato beetle as a model, the postdoc will determine the extent to which temperature and nutrition influence the toxicity of insecticidal RNAi and identify mechanisms that underly variation in RNAi efficacy across environments. This work will inform strategies to improve the effectiveness of RNAi in variable environments and will contribute to risk assessment and resistance management of this technology. Specific duties will include designing and conducting bioassays to test RNAi in different environments, preparing data for presenting at conferences and publishing in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and supervising undergraduate students. The successful candidate will be primarily based in the Teets lab, which has expertise on insect environmental physiology and how it influences pest control, of insects, and will also work closely with the Palli lab, which is a leading authority on insect RNAi technologies.
Qualifications: Applicants should have a PhD in entomology, molecular biology, or a related field. Strong molecular skills and experience working with plant pests are preferred but not required. Applicants should have a demonstrated record of research productivity, as evidenced by peer-reviewed publications, conference presentations, and/or grant funding. Desired qualifications include the ability to work in a team, experience mentoring undergraduate students, and strong oral and written communication skills.
Location: The Department of Entomology at University of Kentucky is consistently ranked in the top 10 nationally and features an excellent mix of basic and applied research. The department has a proven track record of job placement in a variety of sectors, including academia, industry, government science, and extension, to name a few. Lexington, KY is an affordable mid-sized city that is family friendly and ranks 10th in the US in the percentage of residents with a college degree.
Start Date and Compensation: The position is anticipated to be available to start as early as September 2022, but the start date is negotiable. The position includes a minimum salary of $47,500 plus benefits. Benefits for Postdoctoral Scholars are summarized here:
Application Procedures: Interested applicants should create a single PDF containing 1) a cover letter summarizing research interests, professional experience, and career goals, 2) a CV including a complete list of publications, and 3) names and contact information for professional references. Submit application materials at the following link: Review of applications will begin August 10, 2022 and will continue until a suitable candidate is identified.