Postdoc in red squirrel behavior, physiology, and evolution

Posted on February 5, 2024
Expires: April 15, 2024

Postdoc Position in Animal Behavior, Ecology, & Evolution Available in Ben Dantzer Lab at University of Michigan

The Dantzer Lab at the University of Michigan is searching for a postdoc. We have broad interests and study a diversity of questions at the interface of animal behavior, physiology, ecology, and evolution. Most this work is empirical and performed in wild mammals.

The ideal candidate would address one or more of these objectives and have skills (or be able to learn them) necessary to address those objectives:

  • Identify how early life stress/adversity affects hormone- receptor systems (titers, binding proteins, receptors, etc.) in red squirrels
  • Develop & use transcriptomics to identify how ecological stressors impact red squirrels
  • Develop biomarkers to study aging/senescence in red squirrels & how maternal stress impacts aging rates
  • Examine basic questions in life history theory by exploiting the 35+ years of life history data that has been compiled by the Kluane Red Squirrel Project


We are looking for integrative organismal biologists that have a keen interest in behavior and stress physiology. Applicants should have a Ph.D. or nearing completion of their Ph.D. (by May 2024) and have relevant research experience in behavior, ecology, evolution, physiology, etc. They should also be proficient in statistical analyses and data management to meet our mandate of doing reproducible science. Applicants should have some field research experience but this is not essential. The Dantzer Lab is a welcoming, safe, and inclusive group and we are committed to increasing diversity in science and academia (see our Lab Code of Conduct). We strongly encourage applications from groups that are underrepresented in science/academia to apply for this position.

The postdoc would be based in Ann Arbor, MI but would also spend some time at the field site in the Yukon, Canada. This is a one-year position with the possibility of renewal pending performance and acquisition of funding. If you are interested in applying for this position, please send Ben Dantzer ( an application (PDF) that contains the following info. This is an open search. Applications will be considered as they are received. Deadline is March 15.

  1. 1)  Explain what you would like to do in this postdoc & why
  2. 2)  Briefly describe your research interests, past research experiences, & skills
  3. 3)  Briefly describe your commitment to diversity, equity, & inclusion in science
  4. 4)  CV with contact info for at least 3 references
  5. 5)  Indicate when you are available to start the postdoc
the Society for
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