Physiologist (any area / system)

Posted on August 15, 2023

The Department of Biology at Hofstra University invites applications for an anticipated opening for a full-time, tenure-track, assistant or associate professor position in Physiology for Fall 2024. The successful candidates must have a PhD, post-doctoral experience in a relevant discipline, a demonstrated commitment to undergraduate education, and experience in teaching with the ability to teach lecture and lab courses in general biology, physiology, and upper-level courses that complement current course offerings. In addition, the successful candidate is expected to establish and maintain an externally funded research program that complements the needs of our department and is accessible to both undergraduate and master’s research students. Preference will be given, but applications are not limited, to individuals with special interests in neurophysiology, endocrinology, or ecological physiology. Hofstra University is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty and the Biology Department encourages candidates from underrepresented groups in higher education to apply. Complete applications will be given full consideration if received by September 15, 2023 but the position will remain open until filled.



• Ph.D. in biology or closely related discipline.

• Postdoctoral research experience in physiology and well-developed research plan or program

• Experience teaching undergraduate biology courses as instructor of record.

• Successful candidates will have demonstrated a commitment to promoting equity, diversity and inclusion in an educational environment.


Preferred Quals

• Prior teaching experience as instructor of record for lecture and laboratory introductory biology courses

• Prior experience applying active-learning or student-centered pedagogy

• Prior teaching experience in the fields of physiology

• Experience in, or openness to, collaborating in a coordinated teaching environment for multiple sections courses.

Application requirements

• Curriculum vitae (indicating specific teaching experience)

• Cover letter

• Statement of research interests

• Statement of teaching experience, interests, and philosophy

• Statement how you will contribute to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the department, describing your plan to address DEI in your teaching, mentorship, and service

• Name and contact information of three references.


Apply at

Inquiries should be directed to Dr. Maureen K. Krause, Chair, Department of Biology,

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