PhD Position in the McGowan Lab – Department of Integrative Anatomical Sciences at the University of Southern California

Posted on October 3, 2022

The McGowan Lab is seeking to fill a PhD position for an NSF funded project exploring individual muscle function during locomotion in complex terrain. The ideal student is curious and self-motivated, with interests in biomechanics, functional morphology, muscle physiology and/or evolutionary biology. The student will be expected to contribute to the research outlined on the project and will be encouraged to develop their own independent ideas for their dissertation research. The position will start in Fall 2023.

The Department of Integrative Anatomical Sciences ( is housed in the Keck School of Medicine of USC. The IAS faculty comprise one of the largest groups of Evolutionary Morphologists in the country with broad interests in Comparative Biomechanics, Human Evolution, and Integrative Physiology ( Our faculty have productive and well-funded research programs, receiving grants from the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Army Research Office, The Leakey Foundation, and the National Geographic Society. Students graduating with a PhD in Integrative Anatomical Sciences will be highly competitive for tenure and non-tenure track research and teaching faculty positions in medical schools, allied health programs, basic science departments, and research museums.

For more information on this opportunity, please visit our program website ( and contact Dr. Craig McGowan,

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