Oregon State University: PhD openings at to study insect navigation and dispersal

Posted on December 3, 2021

There are multiple openings for PhD students to join Prof. Timothy Warren’s lab at Oregon State University (Corvallis, OR) for fully funded training in integrative biology and/or bioengineering. The lab’s primary research focus is on the neural and behavioral mechanisms that allow insects to navigate long distances. We use complementary lab and field-based approaches to address this question – with an emphasis on developing new computational techniques for data collection and analysis. The lab primarily studies fruit flies (various species in genus Drosophila), though some projects could involve studying the movement and flight behavior of wild bees.

Students can enter the lab either through the OSU Integrative Biology PhD program https://gradschool.oregonstate.edu/programs/6300/integrative-biology-phd-ms-minor or through a bioengineering program jointly administered between OSU and University of Oregon https://gradschool.oregonstate.edu/programs/3080/bioengineering-meng-ms-phd. The application deadline for both programs is 12/15/21. Students with a broad range of backgrounds and interests – including organismal biology, neuroscience, entomology, ecology, engineering, and computer science – are encouraged to apply. The lab and the university seek to foster an inclusive, supportive, and equitable training environment. Thus, candidates who belong to underrepresented groups are particularly welcome to apply.

For questions or to express interest, please contact tim.warren@oregonstate.edu.

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