Indiana University: Postdoctoral Fellow – evaluating the proximate causes and evolutionary consequences of developmental plasticity

Posted on November 1, 2022

We are seeking a highly motivated and creative individual to join the Ledón-Rettig lab as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Indiana University. We use interdisciplinary approaches to understand both the proximate mechanisms mediating developmental plasticity and its ecological and evolutionary outcomes. To answer these questions, we use spadefoot toads, whose larvae exhibit extraordinary developmental plasticity in response to dietary and social cues; further, this plasticity is associated with the evolution of novel and complex traits, such as predaceous and often cannibalistic behaviors. A successful candidate will combine transcriptomic, genomic, endocrine, behavioral and morphological analyses to understand (1) how these traits arose evolutionarily, and (2) how early life responses to the environment carry-over into adulthood and future generations, through transgenerational mechanisms.

We use this non-model amphibian because of its unique environmental responsiveness, yet, the system offers an abundance of tools for molecular investigation, including several species with published genomes and transcriptomes. We currently house a colony at Indiana University to facilitate controlled, experimental investigation of developmental plasticity, and collect our animals from the field, both locally and in the Southwestern United States.

For more information on our group, please visit our lab website (

Indiana University: Indiana University host several mechanisms for postdoctoral training. We are home of CISAB, the Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior, which provides laboratory, networking, and funding resources for behavior research. We are also home to NCGAS, the National Center for Genome Analysis Support which provides training and workshops to those using genomic data. Additionally, our lab is positioned down the hall from IU’s Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics, which provides library construction and next-generation sequencing, as well as consulting.

Location: Bloomington is a culturally-rich community in close proximity to outdoor activities such as hiking and kayaking. Bloomington offers an abundance of live music, art galleries, a variety of festivals and weekly farmers markets.

Minimum qualifications: A PhD is required by the start of the appointment; expertise in any area of science will be considered, as long as the applicant is enthusiastic towards the goals of our research. Evidence of previous scientific scholarship is necessary. Experience with next-generation sequencing data analysis and computational genomics is highly desirable, but not required. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience, plus benefits.

Best consideration date: November 30.2022

Anticipated start date: April 2023, although specific start date is negotiable

To apply: Please submit (1) a cover letter explaining their scientific background and reasons for wanting to join our group (2) a curriculum vitae with publication list and (3) contact information for three professional references to:

For additional questions about the position, please contact Dr. Cris Ledón-Rettig (

The College of Arts and Sciences is committed to building and supporting a diverse, inclusive, and equitable community of students and scholars. 

Indiana University is an equal employment and affirmative action employer and a provider of ADA services. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment based on individual qualifications. Indiana University prohibits discrimination based on age, ethnicity, color, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, national origin, disability status or protected veteran status.

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