The Schweikert Lab at the University of North Carolina Wilmington is recruiting a graduate student to join the Evolutionary Neuroecology group in the Department of Biology and Marine Biology (BMB) in the Fall of 2023. The available position is for the M.S. program, with possible advancement to Ph.D. The student will be encouraged to develop an independent project with a research focus on dynamic camouflage in marine fish, examining how local vs system-level chromatophore arrangement supports color pattern generation over the skin. Support for this project comes, in part, from grant funding awarded by the Air Force Research Laboratory.
Students can learn more about the lab research program here:
Research in the Schweikert Lab is integrative, and students with interest in developing histological, behavioral, and computational skills are encouraged to apply. Prior to applying to the UNCW program, interested students are encouraged to send an email to Dr. Lorian Schweikert ( that includes (1) a detailed curriculum vitae (with GPA), (2) a letter of interest outlining your rationale for pursuing a graduate degree, your career goals, and your motivation for applying to the Evolutionary Neuroecology lab, and (3) contact information for three references. Interviews for this position will begin after November 1, 2022, though interest emails will be accepted until the position is filled. The early application deadline for the graduate program at UNCW is Feb 15th 2023.
UNCW actively fosters a diverse and inclusive working and learning environment and is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified applicants from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.
Lorian Schweikert
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology and Marine Biology
University of North Carolina Wilmington