Fort Hays State University, Biological Sciences: Faculty – Anatomy and Physiology

Posted on September 1, 2021

The Department of Biological Sciences at Fort Hays State University is seeking applicants for a nine-month, tenure-track faculty position to start Fall 2022. The faculty member will teach a full load (12 credits) of courses during the Fall and Spring semesters. The courses to be taught include a variety of Anatomy and Physiology courses that serve Biological Sciences as well as Nursing and Allied Health programs. Additional courses may include Cell Biology and Introductory Biology for majors and non-majors. Our new colleague will have a strong desire to teach undergraduate and graduate courses, mentor undergraduate and graduate research, and contribute to departmental and university service. Opportunities will exist to develop courses in their specialty that complement our current courses and fulfill departmental needs. There will also be opportunities to develop outreach and community engagement activities.

FHSU and the Department of Biological Sciences is committed to building an environment that is inclusive and representative of our students and state. We encourage women and members of underrepresented groups to apply.


To apply for this position, please visit Only electronic applications submitted through the webpage will be accepted.

Qualified candidates should submit a single PDF containing
– cover letter
– CV
– Describe your experiences working with students and staff from diverse backgrounds and explain how your experiences have reflected and formed your commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (300 words max).
– contact information for three professional references

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