EvoDevo Postdoc in Babonis Lab – Evolution of Novelty

Posted on March 10, 2023

The College of Arts & Sciences at Cornell University embraces diversity and seeks candidates who will contribute to a climate that supports students, faculty, and staff of all identities and backgrounds. We strongly encourage individuals from underrepresented and/or marginalized identities to apply.

Position Function

The Babonis Lab in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Cornell University seeks to hire a highly motivated postdoc to work on the evolution of cnidocyte (stinging cell) diversity in cnidarians (corals, sea anemones, jellyfish). The Babonis Lab is broadly interested in understanding the origin of taxon-specific traits (novelties) across levels of organization.

Primary areas of interest in the lab include: the functional diversification of cnidocytes (stinging cells), the emergence of specialized animal secretory cell types, the evolution of regeneration and stem cell identity, the origin of novel genes, and the assembly of novel gene regulatory networks.

The successful candidate will be expected to use a broad range of cellular, molecular, and functional genomic techniques in a wide array of taxa to interrogate the evolution and development of novel traits. The primary model organism in the lab is the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis and we have recently developed cultures of corals and tube anemones for comparative studies. We are a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary group, and we aim to create a diverse and welcoming environment that supports curiosity-driven science and exploratory studies to maximize opportunities for discovery. For more information on our interests, please visit: www.babonislab.com.


 To qualify, applicants must have a Ph.D. and expertise in molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, and embryonic development. The ideal candidate will also have significant experience with functional genomics, genome editing (including CRISPR/Cas9 technology), gene delivery techniques (e.g. microinjection, electroporation), and DNA and RNA sequencing and analysis.

The position will be appointed initially for 1 year with the option to renew pending satisfactory performance. Salary is commensurate with NIH standards.

To apply:

Please apply via Academic Jobs Online (https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/24483).

Please submit a current curriculum vitae, a short cover letter describing your current research and your specific experience with the required and preferred techniques, a 1-page description of your future research interests indicating how they align with the research goals of the Babonis Lab, contact information for two professional references, and a statement of contribution to diversity, equity and inclusion via the website. Review of applications will begin April 1, 2023. The preferred start date for the position is June 1, 2023.

Applications will be reviewed as received, continuing until a suitable applicant is identified.

Salary range is $56,484 -$75,000

Cornell University is an innovative Ivy League university and a great place to work. Our inclusive community of scholars, students, and staff impart an uncommon sense of larger purpose and contribute creative ideas to further the university’s mission of teaching, discovery, and engagement.

Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities. We also recognize a lawful preference in employment practices for Native Americans living on or near Indian reservations.

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