Autumn 2023- paid field position, Chile, small mammal research

Posted on September 27, 2022

We seek a graduate student (Masters, PhD) to collaborate with a research team examining the effects of water supplementation on degu (Octodon degus) condition, stress physiology, and social organization. The student will join an existing research team and assist the project between early-August and early November 2023. This is a one-time position, not an assistantship for a multi-year graduate program. The opportunity would be ideal for Masters or PhD students seeking to broaden their research skills and publications or to develop a project that could evolve into a Masters/PhD project under their current advisor.

Position responsibilities

  • Assist in field work including live trapping, ecological sampling, radio-telemetry, RFID tracking, implementation of a field experiment focuses on the impact of socioecological conditions on stress physiology
  • Complete research ethics training courses required by the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
  • Comply with Chilean COVID entry requirements
  • Read the relevant primary literature
  • Assist with data entry and analysis
  • Participate in other responsibilities as determined by the project directors and team leader


  • United States citizen
  • Evidence of full COVID vaccination
  • Must be a part-time or full-time student during the 2023-2024 academic year; active students can register for research credit at their home institution, if allowable, or take a leave of absence (with letter from advisor indicating a return to full student status after the research in Chile has been completed)
  • Major in Biology or related field
  • Strong academic background, including relevant coursework in Ecology, Evolution, Physiology, and/or Animal Behavior
  • Ability to work under challenging field conditions
  • Ability to work a minimum of 40 hours per week for the duration of the project
  • Strong communication skills
  • Commitment to contribute to posters/presentations and/or manuscripts after field work has been completed
  • Strong interpersonal skills, ability to work with a team
  • Support of your academic advisor

Desirable skills

  • Spanish speaking
  • Ability to drive a standard vehicle


  • $4000 USD stipend (August-mid November)
  • Travel costs (roundtrip flight, housing) covered by grant
  • International networking
  • Potential authorship on presentations and/or papers
  • Field research skills

Please email a single PDF containing the following documents to Dr. Carolyn Bauer ( and Dr. Loren Hayes ( by 30 October 2022:

  • One-page statement addressing your research interests and how you meet the responsibilities and requirements listed above.
  • One-page personal statement with relevant background and future goals
  • Unofficial academic transcripts
  • Statement of support from your Masters or PhD advisor
  • CV with contact information of two academic references
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