Assistant professor – Vertebrate Biology

Posted on December 7, 2021

Assistant Professor #499856; Full-time; Salary:  Commensurate; Tenure-track; Open Until Filled.

Job Summary : The Department of Biology at Lamar University invites applications for a tenure track Assistant Professor in vertebrate biology beginning August 2022.  A demonstrated ability or potential for establishing a vigorous, externally funded, research program, publishing in peer-reviewed journals, and effective teaching are essential requirements.  Candidates having active, interdisciplinary research agendas using cutting-edge approaches to examine ecological or population level processes in vertebrates are encouraged to apply. The ability to work productively across departments and colleges and with state and federal agencies in acquiring external funding is highly desirable, as is the potential to relate the primary research emphasis to studies of ecosystem resiliency in gulf coastal environments. The successful candidate will actively engage graduate, undergraduate, and underrepresented students in research, and will be responsible for teaching upper division courses in comparative vertebrate anatomy and ichthyology.  A willingness to teach General Biology or Anatomy and Physiology, to develop a sophomore-level course in evolution, and the potential to develop courses in support of pre-professional programs is desirable.


  • An earned PhD and demonstrated expertise in vertebrate biology.
  • Ability to conduct student-centered research and pursue external funding.
  • Post-secondary level teaching experience.
  • Commitment to excellence in teaching.
  • Commitment to working with students from diverse backgrounds.
  • Commitment to effective academic advising.

Application Procedure: Apply online at: Submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, transcripts, evidence of teaching effectiveness, a writing sample, and three letters of recommendation to: Biology Search Committee Chairperson. Recommendation letters can be sent to:

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