Assistant Professor of Physiology

Posted on January 18, 2022

Assistant Professor of Physiology Job# 605924

Individuals are invited to apply for a tenure-track assistant professor position in the Department of Biological Sciences at Northern Arizona University (NAU). We are seeking an individual with research interests to complement existing strengths in integrative and translational physiology. Successful candidates will be expected to contribute to the Bachelor of Science degree, MS and PhD programs in the Biological Sciences through teaching upper division and graduate-level classes in disciplines including, but not limited to, neuromuscular physiology, neurobiology, endocrinology, human physiology, environmental physiology, animal physiology, comparative anatomy, vertebrate zoology, or biomechanics. In addition to teaching duties, candidates will be expected to: (1) develop a research program using cutting-edge physiological techniques to elucidate fundamental biological/physiological mechanisms with implications for understanding human, animal, and/or environmental physiology; (2) obtain external funding to support laboratory research within a framework of basic or applied questions in comparative, integrative, or human physiology, (3) service for the department, college, university, and discipline. NAU affirms the importance and critical need for diversity, equity, inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) in higher education and we seek to hire an individual with a strong track record of engagement with DEIJ in their professional endeavors. Up to two tenure-track positions may be available, depending on the availability of funding.


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