Assistant Professor of Physiological Ecology at Hood College, Frederick, MD

Posted on September 12, 2023

Hood College’s Department of Biology has a tenure-track opening at the ASSISTANT PROFESSOR level beginning August 1, 2024. We are seeking a broadly trained biologist whose experience includes the physiological response of organisms to changing environmental conditions. The successful candidate must have a strong commitment to teaching and the liberal arts, ongoing scholarly research and service to the department and college. Based on their expertise and interests, the successful candidate is expected to teach, as well as actively mentor and conduct research with students.

Teaching responsibilities will include a team-taught 200-level majors course in Plant and Animal Physiology and two team-taught courses, Anatomy and Physiology I and II for Nurses. Other teaching opportunities include undergraduate courses in environmental science and policy course and masters-level courses in environmental biology. We seek candidates who can engage undergraduates and masters-level students in on-campus research opportunities appropriate for our lab facilities.

More information can be found at:

Please submit application materials by September 28, 2023

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