The College of Science at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) seeks two outstanding tenure-track Assistant Professors to contribute to a vibrant and growing community of scholar-educators beginning fall semester 2022. These new colleagues will join a growing and coordinated group of faculty and students conducting environmental research spanning multiple Departments, Centers, Institutes, and Colleges. Existing trans-disciplinary FAU environmental assets include the Presidential “Ocean & Environment” Pillar at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute; the Environmental Science and Marine Science & Oceanography degree programs; the Center for Environmental Studies; and the Center for Urban & Environmental Solutions. Our six linked campuses are located within minutes of the Everglades and a host of major freshwater ecosystem restoration and water quality monitoring efforts, the Indian River Lagoon and Atlantic Ocean, and a low-lying metropolis grappling with the twinned challenges posed by burgeoning population growth and sea-level rise. For more information on this initiative, see
The Department of Biological Sciences ( invites applications from candidates with a strong research background in ecology. We welcome applications from candidates with interests complementary to existing departmental strengths in marine, coastal, or freshwater wetland ecology that can take advantage of local ecosystems, and of partnership opportunities with management and monitoring stakeholders. Areas of research interest include, but are not limited to, population/community ecology, evolutionary ecology, disease ecology, molecular ecology, landscape ecology, ecosystem energetics, fisheries and/or physical-biological coupling.
The Department of Geosciences ( invites applications from candidates with a strong research background in hydrogeology and water resources, including but not limited to integration of geologic and geophysical field data into hydrologic analysis, hydrogeochemistry, fluid-rock interactions, and/or hydrologic modeling, with particular emphasis on environmental applications. The successful candidate is expected to complement growing departmental strengths in coastal and marine research, and to engage with local partners on issues pertaining to regional freshwater resources.
Teaching responsibilities will include graduate and undergraduate courses in relevant subject matter; supervision of undergraduate, MS, and PhD students.
Applicants must apply electronically to the currently posted position on the Office of Human Resources’ job website ( or by completing the required employment application for this recruitment REQ12333.
Inquiries can be addressed to Dr. Colin Polsky, Chair of the Search Committee ( Review of applications will begin February 28, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled.
Candidates must possess an earned Ph.D. in a relevant discipline by the time of appointment. Post-doctoral experience is preferred. Candidates should have a strong publication record commensurate with their experience, demonstrated potential for establishing programs of extramurally funded research, and clear promise of excellent instructional capacity. We value faculty who are willing to incorporate hands-on, field-based exercises into their teaching.
FAU’s College of Science is committed to creating an accessible, supportive environment and an educational experience that recognizes diversity and cultural competence as integral components of academic excellence. Candidates who can contribute to that goal are encouraged to apply and to identify their strengths in this area. We are seeking to strengthen our units’ climates for diversity, equity & inclusion by adding faculty skilled or interested in understanding cultural differences, and in advocating for individuals of all ethnicities, genders, ages, and backgrounds.