All Souls College, Oxford: Senior Research Fellowship

Posted on August 3, 2023

Salary: £116,021 to £126,7731 (and other benefits).

All Souls College invites applications for a Senior Research Fellowship tenable from 1 October 2024 (or date to be agreed) in Life or Environmental Sciences, specifically in subject areas covered by the University of Oxford’s Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division.

All Souls is primarily a research institution, with particular strengths in the Humanities, Mathematics, and Social and Natural Sciences. A Senior Research Fellowship is of comparable academic standing to a statutory Professorship in the University of Oxford or to a pure-research tenured chair in the U.S. Applicants are expected to have a correspondingly distinguished record of achievement in research. Those elected may, in addition, apply within the University for the title of ‘Professor’.

The College, which occupies a prime central Oxford site, has buildings dating largely from the fifteenth and eighteenth century, including an outstanding library. It has about 80 Fellows, some of whom are studying for graduate degrees, and a well-established Visiting Fellows scheme. (There are no undergraduate members.) Senior Research Fellows are members of the Governing Body of the College and expected to play an active role in its governance as well as participating actively in its intellectual life and establishing links with relevant departments in the University for which they may undertake to do some teaching if they wish.

For further particulars and to complete the online application, see the College’s website: Senior Research Fellowships | All Souls College (

Closing date: 12 noon (UK time), Friday 15 September 2023

Interviews: Thursday 29 February or Friday 1 March 2024

All Souls College particularly welcomes applications from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford.

1 Applicable from August 2023. The actual salary depends on how much University lecturing the Fellow undertakes and is quoted inclusive of the £7,312 Housing Allowance payable to eligible Fellows.

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