The fund shall be known as the “Howard A. Bern Lecture Fund” (hereafter referred to as the “fund”).
The Howard A. Bern Lecture was established as a Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) society-wide plenary address in 2002 to honor Professor Bern’s outstanding scientific contributions as a founder and leader of the field of comparative endocrinology and to recognize his service to the society.
The purpose of the fund is to support the lecture by a distinguished comparative endocrinologist at the annual SICB meeting.
The fund is established as a restricted endowment fund and will be managed under applicable SICB bylaws and policies. Proceeds from the fund will be disbursed to support activities at set forth below.
Lectureship Selection
The Howard A. Bern Lecture will be given by a scientist who has made significant contributions to the field of comparative endocrinology. Scientists from around the world are eligible, and affiliation with SICB is not required.
The Chair of the Division of Comparative Endocrinology (DCE) shall appoint a Bern Lecture Committee consisting of at least three DCE members, and designate one of the members as Chair of the committee. Committee members will normally serve no more than three years, with at least one member being replaced each year. The committee will solicit (self nominations will be accepted) and evaluate nominations from the international comparative endocrinology community. After consideration of the publication record and other contributions of the nominees, the committee shall recommend one candidate to the Chair of DCE for approval. The selected individual will be invited to present the Howard A. Bern Lecture at the annual SICB meeting.
Activities to be Supported by the Fund
The DCE Chair may authorize reimbursement of appropriate expenses incurred by the Lecturer for attending the meeting, including the cost of transportation, lodging, registration, and meals. The DCE Chair also may authorize a recognition banquet and a cash prize.
adopted January 3, 2010