Editorial Board, Integrative and Comparative Biology

The Editorial Board assists with the manuscript peer review process and advises the Editor in matters relating to journal policy, with particular reference to determining editorial and business policies for the journal in all respects not otherwise specified by the Constitution and the Bylaws or as directed by the Executive Committee.

The Editorial Board of Integrative and Comparative Biology​ shall consist of the Editor, Associate Editor(s), and Assistant Editors. The Managing Editor(s) shall serve as ​ex officio member(s) of the Editorial Board but may not vote. The Editor is appointed by the Executive Committee and has the authority to appoint one or more Associate Editors to assist with editorial duties and one or more Managing Editors to provide administrative and secretarial assistance, all subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. Assistant Editors are appointed by the President upon nomination by the Editor and approval of the Executive Committee. There is one Assistant Editor from each Division, serving a term of five years. Additional Assistant Editors may be added to the Editorial Board, serving a term of 2, 3, or 4 years.

-SICB Bylaws, Article XV, Section 5.

View the ICB page here.

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