Division Information
About DPCB:
The Division of Phylogenetics and Comparative Biology is SICB’s central hub for all things related to trees–– from building trees using morphology and molecules to using trees in phylogenetic comparative evolutionary methods! If you’re interested in tree-thinking, you’ve come to the right place.
Our Mission: The field of systematic biology (nomenclature, taxonomy, phylogenetics) provides the scaffolding for all other areas of biological inquiry, whether the goal is to understand the origin and extent of biological diversity or to generate hypotheses of evolutionary relationships among organisms or genes. Its constituent parts are essential for all comparative approaches in evolutionary biology. DPCB advances, encourages, and coordinates research and publication in systematic biology and phylogenetic comparative methods.
DPCB Officers:
DPCB Bylaws
View DPCB Bylaws here.
Divisional Members Meeting Minutes
Minutes of past divisional Members Meetings are available here. Members Meetings occur each year in association with the annual society-wide conference in January.
News & Announcements
Connect with DPCB: Follow us on social media, stop by the Ask-An-Expert Booth (our ad hoc methods help table at the annual meeting), and attend the David and Marvalee Wake Awards for Best Student Presentations and DPCB-sponsored symposia.
Divisional Acronym: DYK DPCB ≠ DCPB? Remember! P’s Before C’s if you’re thinking with trees! If you’re looking for the Division of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, visit the DCPB page here.
During each annual SICB meeting, DPCB hosts the David and Marvalee Wake Award for Best Student Presentations. Each year, one award is given to the best student oral presentation and one to the best student poster presentation. This award honors David Wake (past president of American Society of Zoologists, 1992) and Marvalee Wake (past president of SICB, 2001) who both made exemplary contributions to systematics and integrative organismal biology during their careers.
Career and Resources
DPCB Advice on Landing a Job
In addition to the SICB job and fellowship board, please see our Q&A with DPCB members about careers in and the importance of phylogenetics and comparative biology.
SICB’s job board can be found here.