Division of Neurobiology, Neuroethology, and Sensory Biology

Division Information

About DNNSB: 

DNNSB is an inclusive group of scientists whose work focuses on the many aspects of the nervous system. About five years ago, the division underwent a name change, from the Division of Neurobiology to the more specific Division of Neurobiology, Neuroethology, and Sensory Biology. The rationale for this change was to highlight (and recruit) the plethora of work being done to investigate the evolutionary and comparative neural basis of behavior, as well as how animals sense the world. Similar to other divisions, DNNSB researchers carry out this work in a wide array of animals, integrating information across the metazoan spectrum, from cnidarians to chordates. Current efforts of DNNSB include increasing the participation of students and young investigators, especially those from underrepresented groups.

DNNSB Officers: 
WP Table Builder

DNNSB Bylaws

Proposed changes to DNNSB Bylaws 2025

View DNNSB Bylaws here.

Divisional Members Meeting Minutes

Minutes of past divisional Members Meetings are available here. Members Meetings occur each year in association with the annual society-wide conference in January.


News & Announcements

Best Student Presentation & Awards

DNNSB sponsors a division-specific Best Student Presentation (BSP) competition for both oral and poster presentations at the annual SICB meeting. Eligible applicants include undergraduate and graduate students who have not yet been awarded the PhD, as well as new PhDs who have received the degree within the 12 months prior to the meeting. The work must be original and have been done primarily by the presenter, prior to the awarding of a PhD. The student must also be a member of DNNSB. Oral presentations are grouped into a single BSP session. Both oral and poster presentations are assessed by DNNSB judges and a winner is selected for each category. Student winners receive a certificate and a monetary prize. Individuals can win an award in each category (oral and poster) only once.

Application Guidelines

Poster Competition. Students applying for the Poster Competition should check the Best Student Presentation box on the Abstract/Transmittal Form and select Poster as the presentation type elsewhere on the form. Poster entrants will be scheduled as part of the regular poster sessions at the meeting. Each poster presentation will be judged by members of a DNNSB awards committee. The winner will be notified after the meeting.

Oral Competition. Students applying for the Oral Competition should should check the Best Student Presentation box on the Abstract/Transmittal Form and select Oral as the presentation type elsewhere on the form. No special DNNSB Oral Competition extended abstract is required.

Applications for the Oral Competition will be reviewed by the DNNSB awards committee, which will select the top eight abstracts to be including in a single, DNNSB oral competition session at the SICB meeting. All talks at this session will be evaluated by the committee, and if possible, the winner will be announced at the DNNSB social or at the Society business meeting. Abstracts not selected for the BSP oral competition session will be assigned by the DNNSB Program Officer to another session with an appropriate theme.

Click here to view the DNNSB Best Student Presentation Rubric.

Career and Resources

Career Resources

The International Society for Neuroethology maintains a current and active webpage for relevant job postings hereLikewise, the Society for Neuroscience has a NeuroJobs site here. 

SICB’s job board can be found here.

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