Division Information
DCPB Officers:
Chair | Jason Podrabsky | 2024-2026 |
Chair-Elect | Wendy Hood | 2025-2026 |
Past Chair | Jon Harrison | 2024-2026 |
Program Officer | Danielle Levesque | 2025-2027 |
Secretary | Kate Wilsterman | 2024-2026 |
Student/Postdoc Representative | Jessica Karr | 2024-2026 |
DCPB Bylaws
View the DCPB Bylaws here.
Divisional Members Meeting Minutes
Minutes of past divisional Members Meetings are available here. Members Meetings occur each year in association with the annual society-wide conference in January.
Member Benefit
DCPB membership includes free access to the journal, Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology. Click here to access. You will need to login to access the journal and must be a current SICB DCPB member.
News & Announcements
Best Student Presentation & Awards
Two awards will be given in the Best Student Paper competition at the Annual Meeting, one for the best oral presentation and one for the best poster presentation. Each year the award will be titled in honor of a distinguished comparative physiologist or biochemist. The name of the honored person will be selected by the DCPB Executive Committee. Each award will include a certificate and monetary prize. Undergraduate students and graduate students who have not yet been awarded the PhD are eligible for the award, as are new PhD’s who have received the degree no more than 12 months prior to the meeting. The work must be original and must be carried out principally by the student presenting the paper or poster. A student who applies must be a member of the Division of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry. In any one year, a student can enter either the oral or poster competition. A student awarded either the top DCPB poster or talk prize is not eligible for future DCPB student presentation contests. The DCPB Chair will appoint a DCPB member to chair the student competition and, in consultation with that member, will select the other judges.
Career and Resources
SICB’s job board can be found here.