Divisional Fund Expense Policy

The purpose of this policy is to clarify the types of expenditures which are reimbursable for SICB divisions. Each division will be allocated an annual expense budget determined by the Finance Committee and approved at the Annual Meeting. This budget is allocated for a single fiscal year, and if the entire expense budget is not utilized in that timeframe, it cannot be deferred.
If, however, a Division Chair feels that additional funds will be required in the following fiscal year over and above the annual allocation, a written request must be submitted to the Finance Committee for consideration prior to the finalization of the next year’s budget.
The following will be reimbursable upon written request and, if applicable, where a receipt is presented for any expense in excess of $25.00.
– Special Divisional Mailings
– Best Student Paper and Poster Awards
– Symposium Support
– Regional Meeting Support

– International Congress Support

adopted December 1996
the Society for
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