C. Ladd Prosser Symposium Fund


The fund shall be known as the “C. Ladd Prosser Symposium Fund” (hereafter referred to as the “fund”).


The purpose of the fund will be to honor Professor Prosser’s outstanding scientific contributions to the field of comparative physiology and to recognize his service to the society.

The fund shall be used to provide partial support for a divisional or society-wide symposium at the annual SICB meeting, the topic of which falls within the purview of comparative animal physiology and is consonant with Professor Prosser’s scientific opus.


The fund is established as a restricted endowment fund and will be managed under applicable SICB bylaws and policies. Proceeds from the fund will be disbursed to support activities at set forth below.

Symposium Selection

Program officers from any division may submit a request to the SICB Program Officer to have an upcoming symposium be designated as a “C. Ladd Prosser Symposium.” All such requests in a given fiscal year will be reviewed by the Finance Committee to determine which, if any, meet the award criteria and receive support. If there is not a symposium deemed appropriate in a given year, no award shall be made and the disbursable proceeds from the fund will be reinvested in the endowment.

Activities to be Supported by the Fund

The Program Officer may authorize reimbursement of appropriate expenses incurred by the organizers for symposium speakers attending the meeting, including the cost of transportation, lodging, registration, and meals.

adopted March 15, 2010

the Society for
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