Elections Report 2021

SICB 2021 Election Report

The 2021 SICB Officer Elections were open for one month, from April 15 to May 15. A total of 409 votes for Society-wide offices were submitted during the 2021 elections; 409 votes represents 14.8% of the membership eligible to vote based on the 2020 membership year. (Membership numbers were determined using the SICB membership report for May 2021.)  

Office Candidate Elected Term 

(note: if term is 1/22-1/23, term begins at end of 2022 annual meeting, ends at end of 2023 annual meeting, etc.)

SICB Society-wide offices:
Program-Officer Elect Janet Steven PO-Elect 1/22-1/24

Program Officer 1/24-1/26

Member-at-Large Kory Evans 1/22-1/25
Divisional Offices:
DAB Chair Avery Russell 1/22-1/25
DCB Secretary Laura Habegger
DCB Program Officer Jimmy Liao 1/22-1/24
DCE Chair-Elect Jamie Cornelius Chair-Elect 1/22-1/24

Chair 1/24-1/26

DCE Secretary-Elect  Haruka Wada Sec-Elect 1/22-1/23

Secretary 1/23-1/25

DCPB Secretary Caroline Williams
DEDB Secretary-Elect Allison Edgar Sec-Elect 1/22-1/23

Secretary 1/23-1/25

DEDE Secretary-Elect Sarah Knutie Sec-Elect 1/22-1/23

Secretary 1/23-1/25

DEDE Program Officer-Elect Daniel Becker PO-Elect 1/22-1/23

Program Officer 1/23-1/25

DEE Secretary-Elect        Ryan Earley Sec-Elect 1/22-1/23

Secretary 1/23-1/25

DIZ Secretary        Kelly Dorgan Secretary 1/22-1/25

Past Secretary 1/25-1/26

DNNSB Secretary Jessica Fox 1/22-1/25
DOB Chair-Elect Ulrike Muller Chair-Elect 1/22-1/23

Chair 1/23-1/25

Past Chair 1/25-1/27

DOB Program Officer-Elect Morgan Furze PO-Elect 1/22-1/23

Program Officer 1/23-26

DVM Chair-Elect Lara Ferry Chair-Elect 1/22-1/24

Chair 1/24-1/26

Past Chair 1/26-1/28

DVM Program Officer-Elect Alice Gibb PO-Elect 1/22-1/23

Program Officer 1/23-1/25

SICB 2021 Fall Bylaws Election Report

During Fall 2021, two series of elections were held to vote on amendments to the constitution and bylaws of the society and of 6 divisions. Both series of elections were open for one month; the first elections were open from August 4 to September 4, and the second elections were open from September 7 to October 7. Links to the proposed bylaws amendments are included below. All proposed amendments passed by a considerable margin (with more than 90% of votes cast in favor of each ballot measure).


First Fall Bylaws Elections results:

Society-wide Constitution and Bylaws PASSED
Division of Animal Behavior PASSED
Division of Ecology and Evolution PASSED
Division of Neurobiology, Neuroethology, and Sensory Biology PASSED
Division of Phylogenetics and Comparative Biology PASSED


Second Fall Bylaws Elections results:

Division of Comparative Endocrinology PASSED
Division of Ecology and Evolution PASSED
Division of Vertebrate Morphology PASSED
the Society for
Integrative &