The SICB elections closed on May 31, 2015, after being open for one month. A total of 334 votes for Society-wide officers were counted or 15.6% of the eligible voters.
Office |
Candidate Elected |
Term |
Member-at-Large |
April Hill |
1/2016-1/2019 |
DAB Chair |
Jennifer Gumm |
1/2016-1/2019 |
DCB Program Officer |
Jake Socha |
1/2016-1/2018 |
DCB Secretary |
Andie Ward |
1/2016-1/2018 |
DCE Chair-Elect |
C. Loren Buck |
1/2016-1/2018 |
DCE Secretary-Elect |
Sharon Lynn |
1/2016-1/2017 |
DCPB Secretary |
Robin Warne |
1/2016-1/2018 |
DEDB Secretary-Elect |
Julia Bowsher |
1/2016-1/2017 |
DEDE Chair |
Carol Fassbinder-Orth |
1/2016-1/2018 |
DEE Secretary-Elect |
Michael Dillon |
1/2016-1/2017 |
DIZ Secretary |
Sarah Berke |
1/2016-1/2019 |
DNB Secretary |
Lisa Mangiamele |
1/2016-1/2019 |
DVM Program Officer-Elect |
Brooke Flammang |
1/2016-1/2017 |
The changes to the Bylaws for the Division of Vertebrate Morphology were approved.