Elections Report 2011

The SICB elections closed on June 8, 2011 after being open for one month. A total of 361 votes for society-wide officers were counted or 19% of the eligible voters. This is far below the 24.1% from last year and 31.1% from three years ago where we had multiple society-wide offices to fill.

All divisional bylaws changes were passed. Of special note, the Division of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology (DSEB) changed its name to the Division of Phylogenetics and Comparative Biology (DPCB); appears below as DSEB. Results of the election will be posted on the SICB web site and they will appear in the Fall newsletter.

Office Candidate Elected Term
Treasurer-Elect Karen Martin 1/2012-1/2013
Chair of Educational Council Bob Podolsky 1/2012-1/2015
Member-at-Large Elizabeth Brainerd 1/2012-1/2015
DAB Secretary Melissa Bowlin 1/2012-1/2015
DCB Secretary Tim Higham 1/2012-1/2014
DCB Program Officer Laura Miller 1/2012-1/2014
DCE Chair-Elect Mary Mendonça 1/2012-1/2014
DCE Secretary-Elect Rachel Bowden 1/2012-1/2013
DCPB Secretary Richard Londraville 1/2012-1/2014
DEDB Program Officer-Elect Louise Page 1/2012-1/2013
DEDB Secretary-Elect Brad Davidson 1/2012-1/2013
DEE Chair-Elect Michael Angilletta 6/2011-1/2013
DEE Program Officer-Elect Elizabeth Dahlhoff 6/2011-1/2012
DIZ Chair-Elect James McClintock 6/2011-1/2012
DNB Program Officer Duane McPherson 1/2012-1/2014
DNB Secretary Lisa Mangiamele 1/2012-1/2014
DSEB Chair-Elect Michael Alfaro 1/2012-1/2013
DSEB Secretary-Elect Kerin Claeson 1/2012-1/2013
DVM Chair-Elect Alice Gibb 6/2011-1/2013
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