Yolk antioxidants vary with male attractiveness and female condition in the house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus)

Meeting Abstract

P2.53  Jan. 5  Yolk antioxidants vary with male attractiveness and female condition in the house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) MENDON�A, Mary T.*; NAVARA, Kristen J; BADYAEV, Alex ; HILL, Geoff ; Auburn University; Ohio State University; University of Arizona; Auburn University mendomt@auburn.edu

The manipulation of egg content is one of the few ways by which female birds can alter offspring quality prior to hatch. Lipid-soluble vitamins and carotenoids are potent antioxidants. Female birds deposit these antioxidants into eggs in variable amounts according to environmental and social conditions, the quantities of which can have effects on offspring health and immunological condition. We examined deposition patterns of yolk antioxidants (including vitamin E and three carotenoids) in relation to laying order, mate attractiveness, female condition, and yolk androgen content in the house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus). Female house finches deposited significantly more total antioxidants into eggs sired by less attractive males (p < 0.01). Additionally, yolk antioxidant content was significantly positively correlated to female condition (p = 0.02), which suggests a cost associated with the deposition of antioxidants into eggs. Finally, concentrations of antioxidants in egg yolks were positively correlated with total yolk androgen content (p < 0.001). We suggest that yolk antioxidants are deposited according to a compensatory deposition strategy, enabling females to improve the quality of young produced with less attractive males and may also act to counter some of the detrimental effects associated with high levels of yolk androgens in eggs.

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