BSP-7-1 Sun Jan 3 16:30 – 16:45 Venom and social behavior: using spiders to evaluate the evolution of sociality under high risk conditions Gatch, L*; Stein, L; University of Oklahoma; University of Oklahoma
Risks of sociality, including competition and conspecific aggression, are particularly pronounced in venomous invertebrates such as arachnids. Spiders show a wide range of sociality, with differing levels of cannibalism and other types of social aggression. In order to interact safely and have the greatest chance of surviving interactions with conspecifics, spiders have to learn how to assess and respond to risk. One of the major ways risk assessment is studied in spiders is via venom metering, in which spiders choose how much venom to utilize based on prey and predator characteristics. However, while venom metering in response to prey acquisition and predator defense is well-studied, less is known about the use of venom in conspecific interactions. Therefore, spiders are poised to be an excellent system for understanding how venom use relates to the evolution of social behavior and, in return, whether social behavior influences venom use and evolution. Given that successful responses to risk are vital for maintaining sociality, comparative analysis of spider taxa in which venom metering and sociality vary can provide valuable insights into the evolution and maintenance of social behavior under fluctuating levels of risk.