Two Types of Mechanoreceptors in the Wings of a Pteropod Mollusc

Meeting Abstract

33.2  Monday, Jan. 5  Two Types of Mechanoreceptors in the Wings of a Pteropod Mollusc SATTERLIE, Richard; University of North Carolina Wilmington

Two types of surface mechanoreceptors have been identified in the wings of the pteropod mollusc Clione limacina, based on immunohistochemical, electron microscopical and electrophysiological evidence. The first type includes primary sensory cells with central cell bodies in the pedal ganglia. They are immunoreactive to an antibody against Aplysia sensorin. The second type include peripheral cells with cell bodies immediately under the wing epithelium. These cells presumably connect with identified second-order sensory neurons of the pedal ganglia. Serial section electron microscopy of sensory processes (with 3-D reconstructions) confirms the dual origin of the epithelial processes, both of which consist of ciliary cone projections from the epithelial surface. Both primary and second-order mechanoreceptor neurons are involved in the wing retraction reflex as well as a lower-threshold swim acceleration based on peripheral modulation of the wing swim musculature.

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