Meeting Abstract
Although the Southern Ocean is experiencing some of the fastest rates of ocean change, few studies have explored how Antarctic fishes may be affected by co-occurring warming (OW) and acidification (OA). Organisms within these oceans may be some of the most vulnerable to environmental change, having evolved under stable conditions for millions of years. Early life stages are of particular concern as they are thought to be more sensitive to changes in climate-related variables than adults. Our research investigated the combined impacts of OA and OW on emerald rockcod (Trematomus bernacchii) juveniles and naked dragonfish (Gymnodraco acuticeps) embryos. Taking an integrative, multi-stressor approach combining metabolism, growth and development, cardiac performance, and behaviour, this research provides insight into the physiological plasticity of early life history stages of polar fishes to changing ocean conditions and how co-occurring stressors can interact synergistically to impact performance during early development. Our results provide evidence of stressor-induced energetic trade-offs in physiology and behaviour that may be an important mechanism leading to vulnerability of Antarctic fishes to future ocean change. Mechanisms and implications of non-linear interactions between multiple stressors will be discussed, with a focus on energy metabolism.