Meeting Abstract
Siuming Francis Chan Fisheries College, Guangdong Ocean University, PR China The recent use of RNA-Seq technique in the study of transcriptome of non-model animals has advanced our understanding in many research areas. As a newly developed aquaculture species, there is great interest in the monosex culture of Ferrenopenaeus merguiensis in China. However, little information can be found on the control of male sex differentiation of this species. In this study, we have used an RNA-seq transcriptome analysis to identify candidate genes that may confer sexual development/sex determination of this shrimp. Global gene expression from spermatophore and testis was measured using Illumina reads from intact and unilateral eyestalk ablated males. Several sex-related genes including the Insulin-like androgenic gland hormone (IAG), Fem-1, female-lethal, and hatching enzyme have been identified. At least 5 different eyestalk CHH/MIH/GIH related neuropeptide transcripts have been found in the male reproductive tissues. Their expressions in intact and unilateral eyestalk ablated male are highly correlated with the process of male reproductive maturation. The results re-enforce the notion that the sinus-gland-androgenic gland axis is involved in the control of male sexual development. Transcripts that showed constitutive expression differences between the two groups have been selected for further validation analysis. In summary, this study provides a comprehensive comparison between the eyestalk ablated and intact male shrimp and the result is useful for future research in male sex development in shrimp.