Time series analysis and visualization of midwater zooplankton ecology Automating long-term studies of the VARS dataset

Meeting Abstract

81.1  Monday, Jan. 6 10:15  Time series analysis and visualization of midwater zooplankton ecology: Automating long-term studies of the VARS dataset JAFFE, A.L.*; HADDOCK, S.H.D; Harvard University; Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute alexanderjaffe@college.harvard.edu

This study uses multi-decadal time series from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute’s unique VARS database to illustrate spatio-temporal patterns of abundance in mesopelagic zooplankton. In situ observations from approximately 900 ROV dives over 25 years reveal both long-term annual and short-term seasonal fluctuations in abundance and diversity of these organisms, which have been largely understudied. Correlations between normalized data for midwater siphonophores, krill, and ctenophores indicated potential ecological relationships between taxa as well as sensitivity to oceanographic parameters like temperature, salinity, spiciness, and oxygen. We discuss evidence of niche partitioning between Praya dubia and Resomia ornicephala, as well as evidence of a bimodal distribution for the ctenophore Bolinopsis infundibulum. We also present trends in seasonality and periodicity within the context of environmental shift, and a method of reproduction for similar studies is set forth.

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