Meeting Abstract
70.1 Saturday, Jan. 5 The proteomic response of the porcelain crab, Petrolisthes cinctipes, following acclimation to fluctuating temperature, pH, and aerial exposure treatments GARLAND, MA*; PAGANINI, A; STILLMAN, J; TOMANEK, L; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; San Francisco State University; San Francisco State University; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo mgarland@calpoly.edu
Petrolisthes cinctipes is a eurythermal porcelain crab that inhabits the mid- to high-intertidal zone along the Pacific coast between British Columbia and central California. Its localized niche results in exposure to fluctuating temperatures, changes in pH, and desiccating conditions according to seasonal, daily, and tidal cycles. We characterized the proteomic response to these dynamics by acclimating P. cinctipes to changes in temperature, pH, and aerial exposure. Crabs were acclimated to three conditions: (1) constant immersion at 11°C, (2) a daily emersion at 11°C, and (3) a daily emersion with an accompanying temperature increase up to 27°C. In each tank, half of the crabs were maintained at a constant pH of 8.0, and other half experienced a nighttime drop in pH to 7.6. Proteins from gill, hemolymph, and claw tissues were separated by 2D gel electrophoresis, and changes in protein expression patterns were analyzed using a general linear model. Proteins that changed significantly were digested with trypsin, mass fingerprinting was performed by tandem mass spectrometry (MALDI TOF/TOF), and identifications were made using an EST database. In claw tissue, crabs responded to thermal stress through changes in expression of several glycolytic enzymes, arginine kinase isoforms, and proteins involved in cytoskeletal restructuring. Proteins associated with the molt cycle, respiration, and other regulatory functions also played a role in characterizing the heat shock response, reflecting the major changes in homeostasis in response to environmental stress.