The Importance of Natural History Collection Clubs in Preserving and Using University Collections

Meeting Abstract

65-4  Sunday, Jan. 5 14:15 – 14:30  The Importance of Natural History Collection Clubs in Preserving and Using University Collections HAWKINS, RK*; STOCKER, MR; METZGAR, JS; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech

Natural history collections have an essential place in universities for education, research, and outreach. For example, collection specimens are used in taxonomy courses, biodiversity studies, and scientific communication. However, despite these valuable and well-established uses, many university collections are neglected from a lack of funds and attention, sometimes even to the point of ruin. The Natural History Collections Club Network (NHCCN) was founded in 2013 to save and advocate for collections like these through the establishment of Natural History Collections Clubs (NHCCs) at their universities. Currently, NHCCs have been formed at Arkansas State University, University of California at Santa Barbara, University of California at Riverside, Virginia Tech, University of New Mexico, Georgia Southern University, and UNC Wilmington. NHCCs have been successful in bringing student attention to university collections, which in turn has provided collection volunteers; increased specimen use in education, research, and outreach; and even led to much-needed funding opportunities. At Arkansas State University, NHCC members raised funding and worked to revitalize forgotten teaching collections by rehousing specimens, improving collection spaces, and hiring student workers. At Virginia Tech, student interest in natural history grew after a NHCC was founded, leading to the creation of a museum studies course. These accomplishments and many more from other NHCCs illustrate their power to bring funding and attention back to university collections, allowing them to continue serving students, researchers, and the community.

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