Meeting Abstract
34.1 Sunday, Jan. 5 08:15 The impact of predation events on habitat choice and use in virile crayfish JURCAK, AM*; MOORE, PA; Bowling Green State University; Bowling Green State University ajurcak@bgsu.edu
Animals make some important ecological decisions regarding resource use based on a risk analysis of potential predation events. In these instances, ecological decision making theory would dictate that animals evaluate the benefit of resource gain against the potential harm due to predation. Such decisions will ideally result in tradeoffs with the results being maximizing resource use while minimizing predation risks. Crayfish are a keystone species for many lakes and rivers and are often preyed upon by various species of freshwater fish. To investigate ecological decision making, we presented a crayfish with a choice of resource rich and resource poor habitats under different predation conditions within a y-maze setting. A simulated predatory event was alternately placed in either the resource rich or poor habitat to observe the impact of the predation event on the habitat choice and use. Habitats consisted of multiple food resources, multiple shelter resources or combined food and shelter resources. Trials were videotaped and crayfish behavior were analyzed for initial habitat choice, time in each habitat, shelter use, and time spent with food. The results show that crayfish will make decisions on habitat choice based on the presence of predators as well as the presence and type of resources. As a keystone species, the consequences of these choices and resource use as a result of predation events will alter carbon movement within aquatic habitats. The complexity of habitat and resource distribution as well as the types of predators are critical in the ecological decisions of crayfish.