Meeting Abstract
106.3 Sunday, Jan. 6 The genomic basis of variation in cichlid spectral sensitivity O’BRIEN, CS*; O’QUINN, KE; SCHLUTE, JE; CARLETON, KL; University of Maryland; University of Maryland; University of Maryland; University of Maryland csob2@umd.edu
Studies of color vision evolution have primarily focused on coding differences among photoreceptor opsins, though variation in expression levels of opsin can also alter spectral sensitivity. The extraordinarily rapid diversification of the Malawi cichlid fishes has produced significant interspecific differences in the expression of six paralogous opsins, resulting in a wide range of spectral sensitivities. To determine the genomic basis of these differences, we conducted high-resolution genotyping in a hybrid cross that was produced from two Malawi cichlid species. Eleven QTL were identified, at least eight of which are of trans-effect. Several QTL contain candidate genes that have primary roles in vertebrate retinal development and maintenance, demonstrating the value of the cichlid fish model for the study of vertebrate color vision.