The fragrance composition of a new Scaevola sp record in Puerto Rico

Meeting Abstract

P3.20  Jan. 6  The fragrance composition of a new Scaevola sp. record in Puerto Rico RIVERA COLOM, Natalia M.*; CUEVAS PADR�, Ana A.; ACKERMAN , James D.; P�REZ REYES, Omar; University of Puerto Rico

Scaevola species (Goodinaceae) is a dune plant native of Australia recently found in Puerto Rico�s marine coast. These species possess a specialized pollination mechanism in its native country while in Lo�za, Puerto Rico receives a variety of daytime pollinators including various bees and butterflies. This zygomorphic flower has an easily detectable fragrance to which these pollinators tend to be attracted. This study examines the production and chemical composition of the fragrance during the daytime and how this affects its visitors. The fragrance was captured and analyzed through swab-SPME/GC/MS technique. Preliminary results suggest that Scaevola fragrance is mainly composed by fatty acid derivative compounds including saturated and unsaturated compounds from 324 to 436MW. In addition, a non reported specie (Scaevola sp.) has been found in Puerto Rico.

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