The effects of passive integrated transponder tag implantation on the growth of hatchling painted turtles (Chrysemys picta)

RIMKUS, Todd*; GOUVEIA, Michelle; GOMERO, Boloye; Marymount University; Marymount University; Marymount University: The effects of passive integrated transponder tag implantation on the growth of hatchling painted turtles (Chrysemys picta)

The technology of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags has allowed the marking of field specimens with certainty of identification after recapture. The effects of PIT tag implantation on growth has been assessed in a few turtle species but only in larger juveniles and adults. These previous studies on the introduction of PIT tags into older turtles report no adverse effect on growth rate. Therefore, hatchling painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) were implanted with PIT tags and their growth rates monitored over the course of three months. An additional group of hatchlings were monitored for growth but they did not have PIT tags implanted. The size of the hatchlings made the normal implantation procedure difficult, so a new method of implantation to accommodate for the size of the hatchlings is also discussed and evaluated. After three months of growth there appears to be no significant differences in hatchling mass or carapace length. Therefore, it is proposed that the PIT tags can be used to mark even the smallest of hatchlings in field experiments where individual identity is important in assessing results.

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