Meeting Abstract
Effectively escaping through complex, three-dimensional environments is a principal driver of terrestrial animal biomechanics. However, the underlying suites of mechanisms (e.g. interacting morphological components) by which animals achieve maximal performances are varied and contentious. The adhesive apparatus of geckos involves novel morphological structures that permit locomotion on inclined and even inverted surfaces. The intricate method by which geckos employ the adhesive system likely has many cascading trade-offs on locomotion. Using a pad-bearing cursorial gecko from Namibia (Rhoptropus afer), we use path analysis to test the hypothesis that deploying or withholding adhesion directly impacts the coordination of locomotion on level and inclined surfaces. Second, we use bootstrapping to quantify how individual variation contributes to our understanding of how species deal with the physical parameters of their habitat. We quantified locomotor kinematics in 45 individuals collected from natural populations in Namibia. Thus, the range of trade-offs and proximate causes of individual variation within a species may be clarified. Results suggest the adhesive system is more nuanced than previously thought and that individuals vary in the extent to which they employ adhesion during level and uphill locomotion. Given that the adhesive apparatus is a finely-tuned system that the animal controls, our results indicate that adjusting adhesion is an important aspect of coordinating and modulating locomotion. Furthermore, quantifying a range of individuals from natural populations is important to understand the role of biomechanics in evolution. Supported by NSF IOS-1147043 to TEH and a Newell Award to CEC.