Testing adaptive radiation scenarios in marine fishes by combining phylogenomic and paleobiological data

Meeting Abstract

58.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  Testing adaptive radiation scenarios in marine fishes by combining phylogenomic and paleobiological data SANTINI, F.*; CARNEVALE, G.; SORENSON, L.; ALFARO, M.E.; Univ. di Torino, Torino; Univ. di Torino, Torino; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Los Angeles francesco.santini@alumni.utoronto.ca

Adaptive radiation scenarios have been invoked to explain the diversity of some of the best studied groups of organisms (e.g., Rift lake cichlids, Hawaiian Silversword Alliance, passerine birds). Under the most traditional adaptive radiation model numerous lineages start diverging within a brief period of time from an ancestral adaptive type, with each new lineage filling an available ecological niche; subsequently this rapid initial morphological evolution is replaced by relative stasis due to most available niches having already been filled. A number of recent studies, based on molecular phylogenies, questioned the generality of this model and found little evidence of an early burst of morphological diversification in most studies. For most of these clades, however, it is not known if inclusion of the paleodiversity would have modified the results. In this talk we will compare the results of our study of several major groups of marine teleosts, such as tetraodontiforms (puffers, triggerfishes and allies), acanthuroids (surgeonfishes, luvar) and scombroids (tunas, snake mackerels and allies). All of these groups possess a rich fossil record, which to date has rarely been used in evolutionary studies. We will show how the results based on extant taxa and those based on extant plus extinct species differ, and how inclusion of fossil data can alter the conclusion of studies based on molecular phylogenies.

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