Teacher Scholar Partnerships Civic Engagement for Undergraduate Biologists in K-12 Schools

MORSE, M. Patricia; Univ. of Washington, Seattle: Teacher Scholar Partnerships: Civic Engagement for Undergraduate Biologists in K-12 Schools

The Teacher Scholar Partnership (TSP) presents a model for partnerships in science and mathematics (S&M) education with the K-12 community. The primary focus is to draw the attention of undergraduate S&M majors to the rewards of working within K-12 education. The Independent College Office (ICO), as part of a three-year NSF-funded program, produced this model based on working with eight liberal arts colleges. The colleges included Allegheny, Augsburg, Calvin, Kalamazoo, Macalester, Illinois Wesleyan, St. Lawrence (NY), and Wheaton. The overarching goals of the program are: 1) recruitment of K-12 S&M teachers, 2) enhancement of K-12 S&M education, and 3) promotion of understanding of K-16 S&M education. Various pieces of the TSP include characteristics of the partnerships, costs, recruitment of scholars, preparation of partners, building the community, developing content and pedagogical knowledge, reflection, evaluation and celebration. The partnerships are among undergraduate Teacher Scholars, college faculty, K-12 teachers and their students. Partnerships are characterized by collaborative inquiry, mentoring and the use of shared resources yielding multiple benefits that sustain the relationships. Biology and life sciences were common topics addressed by the Partnerships. The outcomes relative to several of these colleges, and the benefits to the scholars, colleges and K-12 students are discussed. The ICO-model of teacher scholar partnerships can be used to establish programs in colleges and universities. (Funded by an NSF-DUE grant to the American Association of Community Colleges (lead), the Council of Independent Colleges and the Independent College Office)

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