Meeting Abstract
92.1 Sunday, Jan. 6 Taking time to teach scientific methodology and communication in a first year biology course FURIMSKY, M. M.; Westminster College – PA furimsmm@westminster.edu
In addition to learning new information in the classroom, first year biology students are also developing important skills and competencies to carry forward into their upper level courses and beyond. Recent assessment of student learning has inspired revisions to existing curricula for the purpose of preparing the new generation of students for success in a competitive academic environment. The three hour per week lab component of our first year biology courses include one week skills workshops (e.g. solutions, microscopy, genetics), as well as three week lab modules. The lab module approach has permitted the careful stepwise use of the scientific method under the guidance of biology faculty, including gathering appropriate scientific literature, experimental design, data analysis and scientific writing. Details of the changes to our undergraduate curriculum will be discussed, with the primary focus being the experiential learning component of our first year biology courses.