Meeting Abstract
Zooxanthellae or endo-symbiotic dino-flagellates are unicellular micro-algae that are found at high population densities into the corals. Their density consideration is important for host autotrophic nutritionally, because they are photosynthesis and transfer much of the fixed carbon to the host animals. In the sea anemones for studding of their density, homogeneities and isolation methods were used normally. It is reported that, in this method the percent of zooxanthellae degradation is high, thus in the present study the histological method was examined. First, 6 randomly selected sea carpet, S. hadoni were collected from the inter-tidal areas of the eastern part of the Hormuz Island (from Persian Gulf), and pieces (1cm”3“)from different parts of oral disc of six sample were separated by a cutter and fixed in Bouin’s solution. After paraffin embedding, the samples sectioned in 5 µm thickness and stained with Hematoxilin and Eosin (H&E). The slides then studied under a Nikon light Microscope. Result showed that a good density of the zooxanthellae exist in gastrodermal sections of tentacle (1,289,200 cell/µm “2“) and also into the mesentare gastrodermal cells (528,000 cell/µm”2“). This density in the tentacles sections was much more than the mesanter sections and also, zooxanthellae showed more density in the basal parts of mesentare gastroderms (640,960 cell/µm”2“) than belong and far than them (415,975 cell/µm”2). Intracellular zooxanthellae main diameters also were 9.4 µm. We concluded that, by using of histology method we can determine the endo-symbiotic microalgae, division, size, distribution and density which can be a useful method for future studies as environmental factors effects on these animals.