13-1 Sat Jan 2 Stroke frequency and size effects in metachronal swimming Ford, MP*; Price, CT; Santhanakrishnan, A; Oklahoma State University; Oklahoma State University; Oklahoma State University askrish@okstate.edu http://www.appliedfluidslab.org
Metachronal paddling has been used by a variety of organisms over a wide range of body sizes, from the microscopic paramecia to mantis shrimp and lobsters tens of centimeters in body length. These body sizes result in a large range of Reynolds numbers and vastly different fluid dynamic effects on the paddle and body motion. Previously, it has been reported that organisms traveling with larger Reynolds numbers leave wakes detectable much longer and much farther downstream (relative to their body size and swimming speed) than smaller organisms. However, the effect of paddle-based Reynolds number on the wake direction, wake structure, and swimming speed have not been explored. Using a robotic paddling model with fixed stroke kinematics (phase lag and stroke amplitude), we vary the stroke frequency and fluid viscosity both with the model tethered and free-swimming in the longitudinal direction. Varying the stroke frequency allows us to examine the fluid dynamic effects of an organism of a certain size stroking faster or slower, while varying the fluid viscosity allows us to examine the different fluid dynamic effects acting on organisms of different sizes. We found that while the direction of the wake is not affected nearly as much with changing stroke frequency and fluid viscosity, the structure of the wake was found to vary dramatically, with higher stroke frequencies associated with less interaction in the wake from cycle to cycle, resulting in the wake from each stroke appearing as distinct periodic waves of high-speed fluid motion relative to the surrounding fluid. Flow visualization, wake momentum and swimming speed will be discussed.